Reactive Control
Topic #1: Reactive Controller for Mobile Manipulator
Topic #1: Reactive Controller for Mobile Manipulator
Humans can respond immediately to unexpected situations as shown in the photo on the left. However, in the case of the robot, it cannot respond immediately. This is because the robot is not capable of dynamic task transition.
Problem Statements: Traditional controllers without task transition makes the discontinuity of control input
Problem Statements: Traditional controllers without task transition makes the discontinuity of control input
Our Researches
Our Researches
HQP (Hierarichical Quadratic Programming) for flexible prioritization
HQP (Hierarichical Quadratic Programming) for flexible prioritization
Continuous task transition for HQP based controller to dynamically insert, remove, and swap arbitrary tasks without discontinuity
HQP-based controller for mobile manipulator with trask-transition algorithm
HQP-based controller for mobile manipulator with trask-transition algorithm
Whole-body controller f or non-holonomic mobile manipulator with continuous task transition algorithm
HQP controller with weighted joint distribution
HQP controller with weighted joint distribution
Weighted HQP controller with continuous task transition algorithm
Can generate natural motion with motion distribution without planner
Reactive control and planning for door traversal planning
Reactive control and planning for door traversal planning
AI-based door traversal algorithm with the proposed weighted HQP controller
Natural motion generation with reachability constraint