

Sanghyun Kim has been an Associate Editor for IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  (IROS 2024)

One paper is accpeted to Applied Sciences

: Taeyoung Choi, Jongwoo Park, Jeongae Bak, Dongil Park, Hyunuk Seo, Sanghyun Kim, "The Developmentof Software to Automate the Laser Welding of a Liquefied Natural Gas Cargo Tank Using a Mobile Manipulator", Applied Sciences, 2024. 


RCI Lab  won a government grant from Korea Notional Cleaner Production Center
: 배터리 교체 기술을 활용한 재제조 배터리 구독서비스 실증사업, 순환경제신사업모델 개발 및 실증화지원, 국가청정생산지원센터, 2023 (공동연구책임자) 

RCI Lab  won a grant from LINC 3.0 시제품 지원사업
: 다물체 파지가 가능한 인간형 로봇 그리퍼, 경희대학교 (2180만원), 2023 

Suhwan Park  has joined RCI Lab as an unified Ms/Ph.D course. 


RCI Lab  won a government grant from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

: Planet-ex 행성의 지속적 자율탐사를 위한 자가성장형 이종 군집로봇 융합연구, STEAM 미래유망융합기술파이어니어, 한국연구재단, 2023-2027 (공동연구책임자)


One paper is accpeted to IEEE Access

: Jiyoung Kim, Jin-Gyun Kim, Jongwoo Park, Byung-Kil Han, Sanghyun Kim(*), Dong Il Park(*), "Dual-Arm Path-Planning Algorithm for Wiring Harness Assembly Using Redundantly Actuated Robotic Systems", IEEE Access, 2023. (*) indicates co-corresponding author.


RCI Lab  got a grant from Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM)

:  LNG 화물창 토폴로지기반 작업순서 생성 SW, 연구용역 (2000만원), 한국기계연구원, 2023.

RCI Lab went on a hiking trip to Mt. 청계


RCI Lab  won a government grant from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

: 다양한 크기의 물체 운송을 위한 로봇/로봇, 사람/로봇 협업 기술 개발, 기본연구, 한국연구재단, 2023-2025.

RCI Lab  got a grant from Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM)

: 유연케이블 시스템의 RoS 연동을 위한 마스터 제어기 구축, 연구용역 (1500만원), 한국기계연구원, 2023.

RCI Lab  got a grant from Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM)

: HRI기술 기반 안전충돌소프트웨어 개발, 연구용역 (1800만원), 한국기계연구원, 2023.


Our paper published on the journal of Intelligent Service Robotics (ISR) in 2022 is selected as a winner of Intelligent Service Robotics Journal 2023 Best Paper Award (2nd Place)

: Keunwoo Jang, Sanghyun Kim(*), Suhan Park, Junhyung Kim, Jaeheung Park,"Weighted hierarchical quadratic programming: assigning individual joint weights for each task priority ", Intelligent Service Robotics, 2022. (*) indicates corresponding author.


One paper is accpeted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

: Keunwoo Jang, Sanghyun Kim(*), Jaeheung Park(*),"Motion Planning of Mobile Manipulator for Navigation Including Door Traversal", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023. (*) indicates co-corresponding author.

One paper is accpeted to The 18th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous System

: Chanmin Youn, Wonkeun Youn, Sanghyun Kim, Young-Sik Shin, "Fusing Camera Perception and LiDAR Mapping for Improved Semantic Map", The 18th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous System, 2023. 

RCI Lab enters into a technology transfer agreement (기술이전 협약) with  Rotal.

: "ROS2 기반 자율 주행 로봇의 운용 기술", 3000만원, 연구책임자: 김상현

RCI Lab enters into a technology transfer agreement (기술이전 협약) with  Wonik Robotics.

:  "ROS1 기반 메카넘휠 모바일 로봇의 자율 주행 기술", 3000만원, 연구책임자: 김상현